敖坤, 武汉音乐学院演艺学院副院长、硕士研究生导师、萨克斯管讲师。
他于2006年获得意大利Bari “Niccolo Piccinni”国立音乐学院萨克斯管表演硕士学位。
作为一名萨克斯管演奏家,他曾在亚洲、欧洲、澳洲举行了五十多场个人音乐会,其中包括2004—2006年连续三年的“意大利国际萨克斯管艺术节”与2006年在斯洛文尼亚举行的“第十四届世界萨克斯管大会”等重要国际音乐节,还作为专家受邀在“2009中国国际单簧管与萨克斯管艺术节”及“2011澳大利亚国际单簧管与萨克斯管艺术节”、“2013意大利国际萨克斯管艺术节”“2014新加坡萨克斯管论坛”等有影响力的国际艺术节上举行独奏音乐会及大师课。并曾多次作为独奏演员与管弦乐团合作,其中包括意大利“Niccolo Piccinni”音乐学院青年管弦乐团与湖北省歌舞剧院交响乐团。目前他是法国Selmer萨克斯管与美国D’Addario萨克斯管哨片的代言艺术家。
2003—2005年,敖坤在意大利“Niccolo Piccinni”国立音乐学院攻读硕士学位的同时担任该音乐学院的萨克斯管助教。目前,敖坤致力于推动国内萨克斯管教育事业,他指导的武汉音乐学院“地平线萨克斯管重奏团”受邀在“2010中国单簧管萨克斯管国际艺术节及大明山森林音乐节”上举行音乐会并荣获表演一等奖。他于2012年组建了“武汉音乐学院萨克斯管乐团”
。他选编的《19世纪萨克斯管作品精选》2012年5月由人民音乐出版社版。他还多次受邀到意大利特伦托篷博第国立音乐学院(Conservatorio F.A.Bomporti)、新加坡南洋艺术学院、台湾实践大学、山东艺术学院、南昌大学、赣南师范学院、杭州师范大学、井冈山大学等地讲学。
Ao Kun is an award winning and experienced saxophonist. Currently he is the saxophone lecturer at the Wu Han Conservatory of Music in China.He is the performing college’s associate Dean of Wu Han Conservatory of Music.
Ao Kun performed a solo program at the “14th World Saxophone Congress ” in Slovenia(2006). He hold recital and masterclass at the “2009 China Clarinet& Saxophone international Festival”, “2011 Australian Clarinet& Saxophone Festival” and“15th Festival Internazionale delle sassofono delle Faenza ” (Italy,2013),”2014 Singapore Saxophone Symposium”, Shandong University of Arts,Nan Chang University(China),GanNan Normal University (China),Hang Zhou Normal University(China),Jing Gang Shan Normal University(China), Conservatorio F.A.Bomporti(Italy),Shih Chien University(Tai Wan).
He is active in the performance of both traditional and contemporary music having worked and premiered works by many Chinese composers, such as Xu Zhibin,Liu Jian. He regularly performs as solist with Hu Bei orchestra Symphony and Youth Orchestra Symphony ofconservatory of “Niccolo Piccinni”
Ao kun was born in Jiang Xi province of China in 1975. He gained Bachelor of Arts degree from the Music Conservatory of Jiangxi Normal University with Zou JianLin (2001). as well as a Master degree in saxophone performance from Conservatory of music “Niccollo Piccinni” (Italy) with Marco Albonetti(2006).
Ao kun won the First Prize at the “15th Barletta International Youth Musician Competition” in Italy, and won the first absolute Prize at the “3rd Massafra international Music Performance Competition” in Italy. After that Ao kun has hold more than 50 recitals in Asia,Europe and Australia. Now he is artist of Selmer(Paris) and D’Addario woodwind.